Fiscal Reports

Below you will find our End of Year (EOY) Financial Statement.

Visionwriters™ International is a 501(c)3 non-profit corporation. Non-profit means we are not looking for personal or monetary gain, but seeking to offer excellent service and valuable materials to God’s people. Our goal is to provide resources that help eliminate the ache of a silent God by helping Christians see and respond to the Christ who is in them, as them. With that goal in mind, we are careful to seek the proper use and management of each dollar. We strive to keep operating expenses to a minimum to maximize our outreach. Our products and services are not expensive. The income we receive along with our Withworkers’ monthly support covers the cost of running a professional office and the furtherance of our vision.

Please take the time to view our Annual Financial Statement.

Visionwriters™ Financial Statement 2023

Visionwriters™ 501(c)(3) Document